Reviews Article Full Details

Start your journey to your new home with IVY Property. First time buyer, looking for the next step in the property ladder, or perhaps looking to accommodate the grandchildren, at IVY we know that each buyer has a unique fingerprint and we can custom your search to fit whatever stage of life you may find yourself in.

IVY Property has been established in Glasgow’s West End since 2011 and are experts in local and national property sales. You can be sure that with our expert team, we’ll find the right fit, no matter the tailored requirements or time scale you need.

Valuation – accurate valuations and Home report advice are top of the first priorities list.

Mortgage Advice – Please contact the IVY office and we will put you in touch with the top mortgage advisor in the sector. We have worked with many over the years and it has taken quite some time to arrive at this recommendation.

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